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congress must stop acting as our bosses
by Prof R K Gupta-India on Aug 21, 2007 10:15 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

The major failure of politicians today is that they have taken for granted the demicracy model.They should understnd that in democracy power is with people and not these elected or appointed servants.They are supposed to execute rotuine fucntions and take direction from people in all major decisions and policies.How can they go ahead with such deeply affecting issue for India's future in two things-Impact of nuclear deala nd defesne aspects and Extent to which alliance (politico-economic) India would like to have with USA>USA are not angels they are financial. Imperialist and exploiters like Russians.They are more rutghless being capitalists.Governemnt should have started a pub,icity capmpaign in media and presented all important aspects positive and negative in all types of media for people ti fully understand it and form opinion.the polticians shoudl stop thinking that they are our masters.They should now learn to remain inlimits and stop corruption or face serious consequences.It is 2007 and not 1857.Leftists have rightly put a spoke,whatever be their own objectives.They are no better.Indian people will in future not give clear majority to any party as all are corrupt and it is important to have check and balances.If Leftists were not there, Indian capitalists and corrupt polticiuans would have plundered the country by now.Even now they have.Globalisation is big fraud to loot and spread capitalism.Congress must be wound up now.Indian copy of british queen is listening?

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  RE:congress must stop acting as our bosses
by Sahadevan KK on Aug 21, 2007 01:15 PM   Permalink
Dear Rajendra Gupta,

Those people attack you, who does not have much knowledge about the nuclear deal or about the discussion.

Left gives support government to avoid communal forces; It takes the role of a progressive opposition, because BJP is a dead horse.

Left only creates problems, when ruling UPA and opposition NDA go against people.

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  RE:congress must stop acting as our bosses
by Bhupinder Singh on Aug 21, 2007 10:27 AM   Permalink
prof you are genious person, expecting you to contest coming next election,,, cheers

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  RE:congress must stop acting as our bosses
by anil b on Aug 21, 2007 10:46 AM   Permalink
well dear professor , your typing skills and language say that the doctorate you have got is really not deserving for you .it shows to what extent our education system has got into when guys like you get doctorates.

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  RE:congress must stop acting as our bosses
by Rajendra Gupta on Aug 21, 2007 11:15 AM   Permalink
I am a professor and not typist.That is why the mistakes.You seem to have better skills in this.The readers should focus on problem and keep it impersonal.Dont attack other readres. we can make bigger fun of you, dude.Talk about issues.Like illiterate women don't do personal attacks.Rediff space is not for wasting like this.Counter the arguments with logic .You too have right to express your opinion.

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Will the govt pass N-deal?