I think Manmohan and company should seek a fresh mandate so as to get free of Communists. His popularity as a PM is at the highest and people will vote for congress in large numbers and bring them close to 200 seats for party alone. The opposition is in complete disarray - NDA, UNP , left front etc etc with leaders who are pygmies compared to Manmohan , Chidambram, Kamalnath and not to forget the Italian born Sonia Gandhi.
RE:Time for fresh mandate
by Rajendra Gupta on Aug 21, 2007 11:28 AM Permalink
He is biggest failure and most weak PM india ever saw.He is not even a PM being a dummy. He is a baby planted on PM chair by Sonia till she returns.Never in history so much mismanagement ,price rise and loot and plunder was carried on in India.Unempoloyment is at highest.This guy is asking industry to give reservation.Who the hell they are to interfere in private business? Not even fraction of backwards can be accomodated in such stupid arrangements of giving jobs.You cant give jobs to 8 crore youth waiting for jobs. Indians should be cautious in use of nuclear power, Russia,Japan,USA all have seen nuclear leakage.It is dangerous.India should never rely of capitalists for protection.We must have our own full array of nuclear weapons and ICBMs that can take bomb to USA if needed.The only war fought on US soil was on 9/11 when WTC was blown off by aircrfats.USA has been killing people around the globe.