The stupids are seeing this !
by shanmuga subramanian on Aug 21, 2007 11:21 AM Permalink
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I just saw the MP's creating uproar because of a news report in Rediff.
It's good that you stupids(Mp's ) are doing this.
Mr.Speaker (Stupid Somnath Chaterjee) w
How you can say that parliament is more powerful? than a citizen
Even If I abuse you and abuse your parliament you do n't have the right to file a case against me.
I like to tell another thing to the stupid MP's and the stupid speaker
All of you are going to pay a heavy price for wasting our money in 2009 polls
And the stupid comrades,listen to me ,you will not even get a single MP seat in 2009 elections
2009 elections will be landmark in the history of India
Mr.Abdulkalam will be the next prime minister
and not the stupids
like Sonia Gandhi
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