For the first time during the last 60 yrs of independence, it appears, we are CORRECTLY AND JUSTIFIABLY moving towards a mid term poll. The Indian polity gets rid of these leftist day dreamers. They have been ruining the economy by wilfully confusing the workers by promising them a work schedule of four hours instead of eight if the left would have the power to do so, and at the same time salaries would be so increased that the workers would be able to earn eight loves of bread in place of four. Double the salary half the work.!! Sooner the better get rid of these day dreamers. Also get rid of big mouthed people like Mr.A.B.BARDHAN. More over they can never see any nation, may that be India, stronger than CHINA or Russia.
RE:The day dreaming left
by kapil on Aug 21, 2007 11:52 AM Permalink
Bardhan, Raja, Gurudas gupta, Prakash Karat, his wife etc. are worst...Seems Seethram Yechoori better than these old beggers...