What will Communists do if the same scenerio occur.That is Congress come to power with other's support. Will not communist support them if it needs. Other wise will they go out of the election ally in many states except in Kerala and culcutta. They will have electoral understanding again and secure seats. People of India is only to blame for electing wrong parties always. They vote on emotional ways many times. Though the stage is different the drama is going to be the same.
RE:midterm polls
by Sahadevan KK on Aug 21, 2007 03:52 PM Permalink
Manmohan Singh did a lot for the US; but not for India. Please read on http://sahadevan.blogspot.com/
RE:midterm polls
by rkjack on Aug 21, 2007 11:53 AM Permalink
The Drama will be created by the TV channels just like last time they did, specially the NDTV who is having its hidden agenda. After the chief of the channel is the leftiest's relative.