Would you like AMerican Troops in Connaught Place? WOuld you like AMerican bases in India?
This nuclear deal is a prelude to that. That is why people are opposing it.
If you don't believe me...ask yourself one question.. Why is it that of the 190 countries in the UN over 131 have AMerican troops?
Read AMERICA INVADES INDIA./... www.americainvadesindia.com
Once the AMericans get their grip on the country through this deal.. FREE INDIA will be history... Wake up guys... You have come this far without America... And in 20 years you will take OVER AMerica if you don't fall for this America bluff....
RE:AMerican Troops in Connaught Place
by Raj on Aug 21, 2007 02:20 PM Permalink
Lal Salam to you amol ... by LEFT parties..cos atleast u are the one, and the only one Indian apart frm LEFT who supports the like of Karats and the corrupt AB Burdhan.
RE:AMerican Troops in Connaught Place
by Sahadevan KK on Aug 21, 2007 02:25 PM Permalink
Manmohan Singh did a lot for the US; but not India. Please read on http://sahadevan.blogspot.com/
RE:AMerican Troops in Connaught Place
by Raj on Aug 21, 2007 02:39 PM Permalink
Another lal salam activist....Tell us what all the communists have done to please their masters in China?
RE:RE:AMerican Troops in Connaught Place
by amol on Aug 21, 2007 03:22 PM Permalink
Raj.... I am not for left or right ... I am like you an Indian who wants India to remain Indian.
The NY Stock Exchange has just declared that in 20 years INDIA will overtake AMERICA.... That is how well we are doing ... We are Indians we will come up and win no matter what...
The fact is if we let the Americans be in any way involved with our infra structure ... We will lose our freedom... They have ways of turning the screw...
So brother.... Dont focus on what is wrong with the Left...for you may be right... The enemy here is the AMerican intent//// And watch out... All the PEOPLE who have proposed this deal have HUGE AMERICAN CONNECTION....
RE:RE:RE:AMerican Troops in Connaught Place
by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 03:29 PM Permalink
NY Stock Exchange and many other research institutes globally have been talking about India surpassing US etc etc. It does not mean that these researches have taken into consideration of what India is doing only NOW. To actually make progress as these reports keep saying, in the next 20 - 25 years India has to do many more things including ensuring energy security. It is assumed in these reports that India will keep doing sensible things and not get isolated and hide in a remote corner. To make it to what these reports say, India has to do a lot more than today and this 123 Agreement is a step towards that. So do not just pat on your back and wait for 20 years to pass and wake up to a India stronger than US.
RE:AMerican Troops in Connaught Place
by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 03:06 PM Permalink
Comrade Amol, looks like you are very scared these days as India has signed the 123 agreement. Do not worry son, India is not a country similar to those 131 countries you are referring to. In the last 15 years since Manmohan Singh and PV Narasimha Rao took the path of globalisation, India has become very strong and self confident. So you will not see American troops in Connaught Place. Also please try to highlight the clauses of the 123 Agreement which you think will bring in American troops to the heart of your city. Don't get panicky and remember what our Bapu said,"No one can hurt me without my permission". India is strong enough to withstand any country today. Else, the US would not have come forward to shake hands with India.
Also if you remain scared like this then you should not ride the metro in Delhi ...coz so many people travel inside airconditioned coaches of the metro...who knows how many people have communicable diseases. So don't get out of our room and ride the metro...who knows you might see American troops in Rajiv Chowk.
RE:AMerican Troops in Connaught Place
by amol on Aug 21, 2007 03:18 PM Permalink
Please get your facts right. Iraq gone... Afghanistan gone.... Iran on the line...Pakistan declared a failed state... And you know what... All there were people in these countries who talked just the way you are talking.... I am saddened but then it takes all kinds I guess...Wish you would reveal your name and contact details so we could send you some literature to read
RE:RE:AMerican Troops in Connaught Place
by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 03:22 PM Permalink
The countries you have mentioned...Iraq, Afganistan, Iran, PAkistan....none of them have or had robust politacl, economical or social institutions like we have in India. We have democracy and a very well functioning democracy. None of the examples of those 131 countries relevant to India. Do not compare Apples with Oranges. India is in a leadership position today unlike the countries you named...they are and were failed nations.