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Nuclear deal and Communists
by TS Prasad on Aug 21, 2007 10:15 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

The Communists are mostly right in opposing nuclear ("123") deal. Not that the comrades are right in every other issue, just like other mortals they also committed mistakes and blunders. I do condemn their blunders (such as allowing illegal immigrants from Bangladesh or other countries).

Someone says they are Chinese stooge. Then what is wrong if someone calls Manmohan and his goddess Sonia stooges of the capitalists? Why can't they say, "we will not become slaves of the Americans or Chinese or Russians or anybody else. Let's build our own reactors, even it take a few years more."?

From the nuclear point of view, why can't the US help in self sustenance of India if they are so concerned about India? First point is that Indian Government falling at the feet of the US for this so called deal itself is a Himalayan blunder.

India suffers a lot of power transmission losses (>35%!). Why are measures not being taken to lessen the losses? Why not we harness the tidal energy for power considering the fact that India has a boon of very long coast? If the sea can fulfill the power needs, it could be much safer than a nuclear reactor, the latter is in effect a nuclear bomb behind the screen!

Coming into %u2018the junk sold by the erstwhile USSR%u2019, India purchased something also from similar from non-Communist countries. Just because we purchased a warship from USSR it was a junk, while if it was purchased from, say, Americans a warship would not become something sacred

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  RE:Nuclear deal and Communists
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 10:17 AM   Permalink
No sir. India still has the right to test after the deal. If India tests in response to Chinese or Pakistani test then US has no problem. Even if India test on her own then also US has to supply for 1 year and then it can decide whether to stop or not the agreement. But it will continue to support the agreement because by then India will be the biggest ally of US in Asia and US will have no option but to support India
This Nuclear deal is Good for US, Good for the world and Very Good for India. Now you decide which party is National and which anti-National. We all know who supported Godse instad of Gandhi and which party supported China when it attacked India
Growth is the only way for national security. True national security will come only with economical Growth. For growth we need energy. While we bring oil pipeline through Pakistan what is this nonsense opposition to N.Deal. infact we are increasing our security through this Deal. We can test N-Wepons even after this deal as it agrees a test of N-Wepon is necessary to counter the tests of China or Pakistan. Even after the deal even if India wishes to test a N weapon on Her own She can as No one can stop Her as the ones(China,Russia,US) that tries to stop Her as got thousands of nuclear weapons.
Its absolute waste to have early polls. It will through a hung parliment with no one with a Majority. We need stabilty. We should make a strict law saying There will be election only once in 5 years. If a govt falls or parlim

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  RE:RE:Nuclear deal and Communists
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 10:17 AM   Permalink
If a govt falls or parliment fails to form a govt we should have presidents rule for the rest of the term. Irrespective of the Govt India can function. What is most important is the choice given to the people every 5 years.

Communists are necessary evil. They oppose all progress. they are against freedom and democracy even though it is enabling them to shout in Inda. The support the naxals. They dont care for India and will support China again when it again attacks India. They support illegal and immoral strikes of Trade Unions. They support illegal pavement shops and the traffic offenders and Manual rikshas etc. But they are still necessary because otherwise the capitallist will totally ignore the poor of India and Make India the most corrupt nation of the world

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Will the govt pass N-deal?