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N-Deal is good for India
by sumit kumar dey on Aug 21, 2007 10:33 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

N-Deal is good for India. India needs energy more than the Bombs. Last time when Pokharam blast was done it was explicitly told that no more blasts was required in next 20 years. So I think it is better to go for the deal. After that if we get a need to do a test, we can do that. After all we will be techinically sufficient not to be dependent on US or any other nation.
Left like always is a "Traitor".They just want to oppose US .
I had not been a supporter of Congress, but this is sthg that I would like to support.

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  RE:N-Deal is good for India
by diba on Aug 21, 2007 10:38 AM   Permalink
how much energy we are going to produce from uranium for next 10 yrs? why other countries, who have deposits and technology are not producing all of their energy from atomic source? ask question, read between the lines?
why we need to make a pact with USA to bye uranium even from france and russia? what happens, if we need to test an atomic bomb? whether they take back all the uranium and reactors? then what happens to the invest india makes in those power plants. what happens to those industries and cities dependent on those power supply.

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  RE:RE:N-Deal is good for India
by Saurabh Goyal on Aug 21, 2007 11:00 AM   Permalink
france produces 80% of its electricity from nulcear technology...moreover every country will need to switch to nuclear energy in next 30 yrs as hydrocarbons reserves are not enough even for this century.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Will the govt pass N-deal?