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LETf Roale in country
by NNB Investigation Pvt Ltd on Aug 21, 2007 10:51 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dear all,
As all of us now a days feeling the politically uncertainty due to 123 agreement. If you all will study the agreement there are many plus points. and definightly the contry will go ahead. if this agreement will not happen then India will not able to active the goal, where it should be in near future. the LEFT parties are taking a huge amount of money from Chaina and creating this situation. Left is ruling WB since last 30 years. if anybody has visited WB, he can understand theire development projects. If we will compair all mejor citied, Kolakata will be the worst place to stay. where as Kolkata was one of the most developed city in 1900. Left does not want to come out from their cave and face the world. they are just a problem creaters.

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  RE:LETf Roale in country
by diba on Aug 21, 2007 10:53 AM   Permalink
why BJP is opposing it? pl explain? Mr. Bajpai is less patritic than any one else?

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  RE:LETf Roale in country
by vivek balkrishna tare on Aug 21, 2007 11:14 AM   Permalink
No one in discussion answered this questions why bjp opposing it? They are equally petriotic .

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  RE:LETf Roale in country
by rkjack on Aug 21, 2007 11:56 AM   Permalink
BJP is not against the N-Agreement. They are against the some important points, where BJP thinks that Govt. would have done better bargaining with the US as US needs India.

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  RE:RE:LETf Roale in country
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 11:09 AM   Permalink
We are opposing the BJP on this also. I am a traditional BJP supporter, but their stance is opportunistic on the NDeal.

Mr Diba, forget BJP, Congress, it is time to think of the country.We want the politicians to think of the country not their personal benefits or power.

India must come first.......always. Our identity is because of India not bcos of BJP or congress.

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  RE:LETf Roale in country
by bungbumi on Aug 21, 2007 11:17 AM   Permalink
BJP is opposing it b'cos it is currently in the opposition. They have done such kind of things in the past too. For eg. in 1991-92 when the economy was opened (by reducing the licnece raj levels) by P. V. Narsimha Rao as PM and our current PM as FM, BJP was one of the major opposers of the move. But in 2004 the same BJP begain their "Indian Shining" campaign which was a direct fallout of the 1991-92 economic move. Also, if you examine carefully you will see that the 5 years BJP was in power, its rule was in no way different from that of the previous Cong-I rules. I too had been under the impression that BJP would be better than others. But actually all these fellows are crooks. So need to be overtly concerned about Vajpayees stand

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  RE:LETf Roale in country
by Xurjya on Aug 21, 2007 11:06 AM   Permalink
BJP is opposing for only one reason - why it is UPA government who is signing the N-Deal? Why is it not NDA government? They are opposing because they would have liked to take the credit of making India a recognised Nuclear Power. They don't want the credit going to UPA. Period.

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  RE:RE:LETf Roale in country
by rkjack on Aug 21, 2007 12:00 PM   Permalink
BJP is not against the N-Deal, if you have watched the TV channel i.e. Times Now where Mr. Yashwant Singh was a panelist, he clearly mentioned that BJP is not against the N-Deal, but they are against some points in the agreements, where they think that Govt.would have done better bargaining with the US as US needs India for their own benefits.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Will the govt pass N-deal?