Communists in India are playing in the hands of their masters in China. They are indulging in the petty politics and do vot form any other ideological baseother than inciting industrial workers to shutdown and put clog in the wheels of development of the nation. They should be oschesterised and kept leashed. Nation at present needs strong leadership who can not only rule with a will to develop the nation to its potential and also imbibe discipline among the masses.India at present lacks the leadership and should go to polls to bring back BJP with Advani as leader who has these capabilities.
RE:N- Deal
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 08:57 AM Permalink
Its true Advani has very good leadership qualities and India will progress under his rule. But unfortunately he has other qualities which make unsuitable for the post of prime minister. Manmohan is the best and India knows it. India most probably will elect him again.
RE:N- Deal
by MOHAN PYARE on Aug 21, 2007 09:28 AM Permalink
Even if BJP comes to power with Advani as the PM, they will go ahead with the nuclear cooperation with the US with renewed vigour. It was the BJP government which started actively engaging the US for better ties. There is no question of going back on it.