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by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 12:28 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

from Sylhet, Bangladesh ----
Once India used to have unanimous line of strategy as far as national interests were concerned. There was a time when Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the then leader of the Opposition represented the Government of India in the United Nations General Assembly. Now things are changing quickly. India has become almost a CLONE COMPUTER with Italian monitor, Chinese keyboard, Jaffnese (coming from Jaffna) mouse,American CPU. India must be BRAND COMPUTER SYSTEM if she wants to survive in the desired direction.

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by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 09:54 PM   Permalink
Thank you.

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by Surjyabrat Buragohain on Aug 21, 2007 02:03 PM   Permalink
Mihirkanti, we Indians are smart people and we are not brand slaves. We are skilled to assemble robust computers for ourselves by using parts from all over the world. We do not waste time and resources to re-invent the wheel.

In this forum you have seen how we are unanimous in supporting the N-Deal and even if someone has raised concerns it is because that person also loves his motherland (other than the Leftists of course....who are more anxious to see China becoming the world leader). So do not question about our creed.

Please also remember that our assembled Indian computer works under trying conditions. I have not heard of a Bangladeshi computer though....perhaps it does not boot at all and that's why Bangladeshis sneak into West Bengal, Assam and all the NE Indian states for their livelihood. Try to copy the Indian Computer.

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by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 09:36 PM   Permalink
The Bengalees are living everywhere in the world. Europe, USA, Middle East, India, Bangldesh and where not. The Bengalees have done well in the world. Three Bengalees have Nobel Prize. But we have not heard of any Assamese winning Nobel. Can you name or propose any one?

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by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 09:40 PM   Permalink
The Assamese follow the Bengalees in many sectors beginning from the alphabet to Durga Puja.But there was a time when they destroyed Durga Puja pandals. It happened in 1974 in Dibrugarh. Do they remember this?

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by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 09:43 PM   Permalink
Anything more?

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by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 10:52 PM   Permalink
I am just wondering if you are condemning the Indian computers or Assamese people? I guess you are a Bangladeshi as you are from Sylhet. If so than how come you claim 3 Nobel Laureates? Rabindranath Tagore and Amartya Sen are Indians and people from West Bengal, Assam and other Indian states are proud of them. I hope you are not trying to fantasize a Pan Bengali state, the way your muslim countrymen in Bangladesh are conjuring up a pan-islamic state including NE India and West Bengal. You will be disappointed coz no Indian citizen from West Bengal or Assam would like to be part of Bangladesh. So you better leave your dirty tricks behind and forget about creating divide between Assamese and Bengalees. They both are Indians. Who are you BAngladeshi? If you are not happy with India signing 123 agreement, ask your military dictators to beg to the US government. Don't you know that your country got independence becoz our country liberated you guys? Also don't forget about all the terrorist camps your country is hosting against India. If you are not happy and proud to be a BAngladeshi why don't you apply for migration to the UK and work there as a cook?

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Will the govt pass N-deal?