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Ban Communist Parties at National Level
by bharat on Aug 21, 2007 08:40 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

The government should hold a national referendum seeking to ban the communist parties from having any participation in the political process. I sure an overwhelming majority will vote in support of banning the Leftists.

If the people from Bengal and Kerala wish to continue letting the communists rule them then restrict these parties to continue disastrous rule in these states, but from the national stage, they should be thrown out.

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  RE:Ban Communist Parties at National Level
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 08:48 AM   Permalink
Communists are necessary evil. They oppose all progress. they are against freedom and democracy even though it is enabling them to shout in Inda. The support the naxals. They dont care for India and will support China again when it again attacks India. They support illegal and immoral strikes of Trade Unions. They support illegal pavement shops and the traffic offenders and Manual rikshas etc. But they are still necessary because otherwise the capitallist will totally ignore the poor of India and Make India the most corrupt nation of the world.

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  RE:Ban Communist Parties at National Level
by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 09:16 AM   Permalink
Mr, George what you say may be right,that communism is a necessary evil. But can you tell me which of our local commies follow real communist ideals. They live a life of luxury amass wealth in the family names and do all sort of nonsense that all political leaders do. Then what is the need for that party. They use communism as a facade just the way the Congi's use socialism & secularism and the BJP uses Hinduism and the local goons like the DMK,Shiv Sena use liguistic jingoism.

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  RE:Ban Communist Parties at National Level
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 09:38 AM   Permalink
Yes I agree with Bharat and Sun. Its true communists are anti-national and agianst progress, but still they are less corrupt than other parties and still got some good social agenda. So we should keep them but keep them small

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  RE:Ban Communist Parties at National Level
by Navratan Sethia on Aug 21, 2007 09:27 AM   Permalink
they think if public become economicaly sound then they could not sell their dirty idea . how they will devide public majority, minority.then nobody will accept thier anti national thinking.

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  RE:Ban Communist Parties at National Level
by bharat on Aug 21, 2007 09:06 AM   Permalink
But over the years, their 'evil' component has grown so much that it has made the 'necessary' component look miniscule in comparison. What is left of them is pure nuisance value. They just throw their weight around to stop things from happening, but you don't see any constructive effort from them. It is easy to tell what not to do. They will not answer if you ask them what to do.

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