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Operationalize - Go to polls
by Sanjeev on Aug 21, 2007 07:58 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is extremely important for the deal to be operationalized for 2 reasons
1. Meeting the long term energy needs.
2. To make sure that India's international standing does not suffer a loss in terms of credibility.

If the price is that govt. has to fall, I think UPA should be ready to pay this price. And it is upto the people of India then to give a mnadate in such a way that such dependencies on fringe players is finished and any single like minded coalition or party is in charge, without any pulls & pressure.

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  RE:Operationalize - Go to polls
by Milind on Aug 21, 2007 08:01 AM   Permalink
Yes indeed.
If PM/SG are willing to let the govt. fall to uphold the deal, they will earn a newfound respect from many, me included.

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  RE:Operationalize - Go to polls
by citizen on Aug 21, 2007 08:15 AM   Permalink
You are right !

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Will the govt pass N-deal?