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India needs No more enemies...we have enemies within
by Raj on Aug 21, 2007 02:04 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

India's progressive policies are opposed by Pakistan, China and LEFT in that order...I put LEFT at No.3, as they have to take dictats from their masters. Let there be elections this time and LEFT will be in for a surprise....they should be VERY, VERY happy that they are even in the limelite......They are a doomed lot, infact not even doomed, what do u call persons who eat the fingers that feed them..... Traitors......Yes, they are the traitors of this soil, where they are born. I spit on these traitors.

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  RE:India needs No more enemies...we have enemies within
by wani bhardwaj on Aug 21, 2007 03:48 PM   Permalink
It seems that you are an imperalist supporter and have enough black money in hands to live in a lavish style. That is why these type of messages are coming blindly without knowing the true communism and democracy.

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  RE:India needs No more enemies...we have enemies within
by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 04:10 PM   Permalink
It seems that you only want poor people to exist in India so that they keep on voting the Leftists. Why do lal salaam activists like you think that when people have money India, they got it through evil ways? Is it becoz people like you have failed to make a decent living and are jealous of those who are able to make money? Don't you know that there are many millionaires in India now who have made it through clean transparent means provided by the booming Indian economy. Why do communists hate money? Isn't it becoz if people have money, they will not vote for the communists? It is high time India should get rid of these pests. These Leftists only want a poor India so that they can increase their tally in the Lok Sabha.

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