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Ideology of left%u2026my foot
by Rana Dutta on Aug 21, 2007 11:19 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Here are some examples of left ideology.

1). During Chinese aggression left supported China, today look at the idiots they are talking about national cause.
2). During freedom struggle they made derogatory remarks about Netaji (Gen Tojo-r kutta) Gen Tojo%u2019s dog, now they have asked for forgiveness.
3). 40 yrs back they opposed Computers fearing working class will loose jobs, but now they want to make Bengal a Giant in IT industry.
4). 30 yrs back they removed English from schools in Bengal, now they have backtracked from this policy.
5). Under land reforms they gave land to farmers (only to party workers), today they are snatching land from them for industrialization.
6). They believed in strikes and bandhs and today Bengal is nowhere in the in the list of industrial states, who were earlier in the top slot. Today they are assuring industrialists that there will be no strikes or bandhs so that they can come up with some investments.

So people of India can very well predict that 30 yrs from now the left will realize their mistake. Mr Chow Ramaswamy rightly said, IF LEFT HAS GOT FUTURE IN INDIA, INDIA HAS GOT NO FUTURE LEFT.

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  RE:Ideology of left%u2026my foot
by Sahadevan KK on Aug 21, 2007 01:13 PM   Permalink
Left gives support government to avoid communal forces; It takes the role of a progressive opposition, because BJP is a dead horse.

Left only creates problems, when ruling UPA and opposition NDA go against people.

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  RE:Ideology of left%u2026my foot
by shanmuga subramanian on Aug 21, 2007 11:22 AM   Permalink

post more of these messages the stupid communists are seeing this

We will erdaicate communism in 2009 elections

If you are brave(Commmunists) go for 2009 elections instead of calling snap polls

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  RE:RE:Ideology of left%u2026my foot
by E.S.Subramanian on Aug 21, 2007 11:38 AM   Permalink
Left is not stupid..its getting huge amount of money from China to sabotage the N deal.

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Will the govt pass N-deal?