I am very happy that PM is going ahead firmly to operationalize the deal.
I was a supporter of BJP...but now wanna shit on them coz the way they r opposing the deal is not acceptable..it seems they have become pro-pakistani via china.
If Govt falls, people will not appologise the 'LEFT HARAMZADAs'and BJP.
I think BJP has lost all its credibility opposing the deal
by surinder pal on Aug 21, 2007 10:06 AM Permalink
Yes Dear, I too was a spporter of BJP, but now I'm fully with an honest PM who is trying to improve lives of our country.
Our country will teach a lesson to these parties if the election are held.
by Vijay Kumar on Aug 21, 2007 10:12 AM Permalink
Yes, PM is trying to improve life of rich men, so that more farmers may do suicide and thus reduce population.
by Hemant on Aug 21, 2007 10:13 AM Permalink
Tinku Baidya, I agree with your sentiment. The deal itself is a brainchild of BJP, so should not have opposed the deal. But do you know that the Congress, which is claiming the credit now, had opposed the same deal, while it was sitting in the opposition
by SAM KIM on Aug 21, 2007 10:01 AM Permalink
Dear sir, It is BJP which initiated the deal with US. NDA govt led by then NSA mr.misra was negotiating very hard US to agree for not to bind indias nuclear test with this civil nuclear co-operation.
But this MM singh govt. just to claim some cheap publicity they played in to US hand. this is what BJP is oppsing. Dont be blind, try to analyse what BJP is saying....dear