Whole world today acknowledges India as an emerging super power. We have scaled amazing heights in the field of Information Technology, Space and Biotech Industrialization, which have set precedence's for economies of other developing countries. The GDP, fiscal deficit, growth rate and to top it all financial stability has proved to the world the emergence of a new vibrant India. The strength of our democracy is a guideline for the world today and the rate at which we are growing making in roads into vast variety of vistas reflects our strengths, capabilities and the will to rise. During the last sixty years; Indian spirits have been on the rise scaling new heights. Suddenly we have emerged at the global horizon like sun. With such rapid growth; naturally we need to update infrastructure and in particular more clean power to spread the benefits to common man by virtue of access to new technologies. The time India got Independence to now; need for power generation has increased manifold. We did set up many power projects in different parts of the country but the demand increased beyond projections by virtue of a nation's hard working, committed populace. Meanwhile the highly developed nations America, Russia, France, Germany, Japan; went on with the help of sensitive technologies and nuclear power production gained more advancement in every sphere. China was also not far behind in all this. The world economic forums acknowledged the emergence of BRIC %u20
RE:jago india jago
by sibby mathews on Aug 22, 2007 05:20 PM Permalink
If you take into account the fact that India is the second largest nation on earth and do a detailed and analytical comparison with other countries in various fields of human endeavour, you will see that India is still very much one of the most underperforming nations (and getting no better; for illustration, look carefully at China's record in various fields) in the world.
For too long, we have managed to make ourselves almost inconspicuous among the various large countries of the world despite being home to about one sixth of humanity !! And this fact should lend a big measure of perspective and moderation in our assessment of where we really stand. Sixty years of independence ought to have yielded much, much more in terms of nation building than has actually been managed. And 15 years of the so called 'liberalisation' and 'market reforms' have brought real development only to the already rich or a miniscule percentage of the upper middle class. This is not merely a 'leftist stereotyped vision' as widely generalised by commoners who are too innocent to understand the intricacies. Every detailed and comparative survey on the economy using tools such as the 'State of the Indian economy' report, reports of the 'Centre for monitoring of the Indian economy', 'Human development index' reports by the UN, other illuminating reports that are available in documents like the Census records, etc. will show that much of the Indian media has only been misleading the commoners.