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Letft is a minority DICTATOR in India
by Sreelekha Nair on Aug 23, 2007 11:25 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Left believes in -
a. taking this country (India) to ransom at the instance of their masters in China.
b. They believe in miniscule minority opinion buldozing majoirty views.
c. Even withing their own party CPIM (read Chinese party in India), they stifle Buddhadev, Jyoti Basu's opinions.
d. Left's Karat and Bardhan are nothing but dicators who work on orders received from China.

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  RE:Letft is a minority DICTATOR in India
by bungbumi on Aug 23, 2007 02:59 PM   Permalink
It looks like, it's high time the 'left' parties be designated as Anti-Nationals and be banned. Their history (points listed below) vouches for this......

(1) They got many freedom fighters arrested in the 1940's

(2) They supported the 'chinese' during the chinese invasion of India in 1962. (just this alone must be enough to classify them along with organizations like ISI ...)

(3) They have been known to support chinese and russian causes at the expense of the Indian population. Their opposition to the Nuclear Deal is just the latest instance of this.

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  RE:Letft is a minority DICTATOR in India
by Jeffrey Mittal on Aug 23, 2007 07:48 PM   Permalink
Well said Ms. Nair

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  RE:Letft is a minority DICTATOR in India
by ritesh kumar on Aug 24, 2007 04:45 PM   Permalink
Well Nair
1)They supported bloody chinese in '62 terming their invasion a confrontation between a capitalist and a communist nation.
2) called netaji Tojo's Dog (Tojo was Japanese PM at world war II)
3) opposed Missile man Kalam's election on the ground he was behind indian Missile and nuclear program
4) are always silent on Tibetan human right violation by thier dirty chinse bosses
5) what their 30 years rule given to bengal... apart from slipping down in prosperity...

Hail with CPI(M)
Chinese party of India (Maoist)

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The Left's death of a 1,000 cuts