Only party in india who are lead their nation political movement for interest of china.leaft parties are enimies of indian democracy.if this agreement is make with china then they never shouted.i request to all readres to follow their polical movement.whatever china is now doing tomorrow our leaft parties are moaist movement is cool brain planning of china.its better to belive US agreement then narrow minded people is a part of this communist party.i feel US will take step agaist chaina.communist are actual terriest of india.they are acting spy of china and also ISI.Dont belive communist.prakash karat,A.V.Bhardhan,jyoti basu,bhudev bhatterjee will punish by hang open to all.they are act by order of china,not for interst india.all nationlist parties of india including congress and BJP should come forward to prevent chinist communist planning which is lead by our leaft parties.todays india is made by our nationalist parties not for these leaft parties.they have no role in our freedom DONT BELIVE COMMUNIST.
by Dipak Bose on Oct 09, 2007 11:37 AM Permalink
Forget CPI(M), but what about Indian scientists? They are also against the Deal. Are they all Pro-Chinese? None of them. The whole country except a few cronies of Sonia are against the Deal, which will ruin India's nuclear weapons programme and turn India a dependent nation of USA regarding nuclear power. So far India has maintained her independence, but ManMohan-Sonia is about discard that. They are the real traitors.