A very simple way out of this mess for the UPA govt.--- bribe the commies, make a significant deposit into their hidden accounts abroad. They are past masters in this--- hope no one has forgotten the "aya rams" and "gaya rams" of yesterdays. Hope the commies won't mind this small contribution to their retirement fund. Advani told them to bite and not bark, but they are capable of barking only. Shame on you Bengalis and Mallus--- you only keep them in power, and whet their appetite for more political power, whereas their ideology deserves none. They simply want to keep us in stone age.... progress and prosperity have no role in their ideology. Still they can't say China invaded India in 1962, nor can they ever say publicly that the Chinese claim on Indian areas is wrong. America hai hai is their only slogan. They can never learn that communism is a dead entity, only China is left which has virtually given up Marx principles and gone towards a market economy. UPA can easily satisfy them by simply alloting 2 nuclear reactors to WB and Kerala to mellow them down.