Those are supporting the deal shd say to cong first to put the clauses/conditions of the deal then only it wld be discussed and finalysed.
One more thing,-we need the same status of China only from USA in the world and nothing else.If China,US,Russia,France,England even Pakistan,Iran,N.Korea then why we shd not? If all of them leave nuclear test then we are also ready to leave it,otherwise not.
Those are supporting the deal blindly they are actually the blind supporters of Congress,nothing else.
Pls say if I am wrong(if rediff allows u to read my msg)
RE:Why do u support the deal?
by Jerry Kurian on Aug 19, 2007 10:58 PM Permalink
Mr Chinmoy, first of all, what will you gain with a test. It is only to prove we are nuclear capable and the whole world already knows that. Second, none of the coutries mentioned by you like Pak, Iran.. are allowed to carry out test without consequense. US will impose sanctions even if India tests without 123 agreement, so this is nothing new. The best option would be for the world to recognize us as a nuclear state, but that will not happen, so 123 is the closest to that...
RE:Why do u support the deal?
by chinmoy chatterjee on Aug 19, 2007 11:15 PM Permalink
Dear Jerry, Either we shd live in the world with courage , otherwise we shd die , pls dont be afraid of death even. Death of courageous person/nation is not only death(hv u heared the sloka VIRBHOGYA VASUNDHARA) but idol forever.
RE:Why do u support the deal?
by bhumiputra on Aug 19, 2007 10:41 PM Permalink
Your are correct. Those supporting the deal 123 are Cong sonia Supporters. May be the India Loot network. Left is giving infact all options for CONG for a amicable solution. But the intention of cong is to sell the country like YSR in AP is doing.