Comuunist.......What a Joke on the World. I told on this website in another discussion forum when it all started that Communist won't do anything,.They are like Roadside village Dogs who chase the Fast moving cars and bark and give up chasing after failing to catch up with speed and finally mind their own ways. This new window will ultimately will lead finally to a settlement between their honeymoon partners Congress and will prove this Theory about Village Chasing Dogs about Communist true once again. they are the Dogs who Bark, chase But they won't bark. So congress knowing this always keep them out of Doors and then they feel neglected and bark to show their presence. Now congress will throw a bone to keep them happy and get their governmanet going. who cares if it's Pro-american foreign policy or any other bullshit which was flying around for some time.End of the day Communist are again ready to sleep with Congtress and let the marriage continue. They will share the same bed again with them in Parliament and let the agreement continue................. Kick these communist ass and get them out of country....It Happens only in Bengal..That's y Bongoli's had a great fall.......hahahahah Long Live Communist Long Live US. Long Live dirty Politics of India........ hahahahahahaha Sanjai
RE:I told way Back these are Dogs That Bark and Chase they Dont Bite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Cynic on Aug 20, 2007 02:11 AM Permalink
What is this with so many commenters here saying Ha Ha ha at the end of their comment?
RE:I told way Back these are Dogs That Bark and Chase they Dont Bite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Sadasiva Prasad on Aug 20, 2007 04:08 AM Permalink
It is true CPM is a paper tiger. The leadership is weak. At least Bardhan has taken a stand but not Karat.The curse of CPM is Jyoti Basu.Why the Committees . Ask US direct questions and get the replies about our freedom to conduct tests.When ideology takes over pragmatism, there will be no progress. See Kerala ,WB and Tripura. Compare it with Gujarat, AP, Punjab and Haryana.Look at South as a whole and compare it with the northern belt-Bihar, UP and Assam
RE:I told way Back these are Dogs That Bark and Chase they Dont Bite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by George Fernandez on Aug 20, 2007 02:31 AM Permalink
Communists dont mind if India loses both the eyes. Their intention is to blind atleast one eye of America. After all they supported China when it attacked India