RE:Hyde Act
by India Fan on Aug 19, 2007 10:52 PM Permalink
Create our own Bamb phodo Act which overrides Hyde act. :) The best way to test Americans is to blow a couple of nukes and see their response, if they are mum. Then no problems with the deal.
RE:Hyde Act
by SUBRAMANIAN RAMAKRISHNAN on Aug 19, 2007 11:12 PM Permalink
Hehehehe! This is one of the few genuinely funny responses that I've seen. The Commies have never been called to explain their stance during the 62 Chinese invasion or the contradictions in opposing India's nuclear test whilst supporting the Chinese in this direction. They are just engaged in naked sophistry to block India-US ties. It is a disgrace that the Commies have so much clout in a country where they can win elections only in two states! Let us go to the polls and put the Commies in their place - ciphers that can impotently pontificate to their content in the canteens of JNU and the barber shops of interior Kerala!