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by truth lover on Aug 19, 2007 11:06 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Those are supporting the deal shd say to cong first to put the clauses/conditions of the deal in front of common people then only it wld be discussed and finalysed.

One more thing,-we need the same status of China
in the world and nothing else.If China,US,Russia,France,England even Pakistan,Iran,N.Korea can do a nuclear test then why we shd not?

If all of them leave nuclear test then we are also ready to leave it,otherwise not.

Those are supporting the deal blindly they are actually the blind supporters of Congress,nothing else.

Pls say if I am wrong.

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by Shyam Sen on Aug 19, 2007 11:50 PM   Permalink
No you are not. It is the other way round.

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by Devashish Roy on Aug 19, 2007 11:18 PM   Permalink
truth lover.. unfortunately u are ignorant about the moot issue at hand.. the deal does not forbiod us frm testing.. yes, shoul we decide to test then the agreeement comes off.. we have the right but in a multilateral agreement we cannot direct the consequences of our actions.. US is free to choose the consequences fo an Indian test and India is free to test how many ever bombs it wants to.. altho God alone knows what significant insight we would generate from further testing.. till date of over 2000 bombs tested.. not one has failed.. and to top all matters the communist scum bags have no right to open their mouth .. they were the first to criticize the NDA govt in 1998 when the tests were conducted

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by Ary Doriz on Aug 19, 2007 11:15 PM   Permalink
You wanted toknow if you are wrong. Let me first tell you if you say something like "Those are supporting the deal blindly they are actually the blind supporters of Congress,nothing else." then you clearly come out as someone who is biased and who is a blind opponent of Congress. I don't know who you support but you will definitely not support the congress even if it is right.

Next, you cannot change the world order by comparing the permanent five of the NPT and others., not possible.

Then, India can also do a test but that may well mean end of co-operation. US is not co-operating with Pakistan, N.Korea or Iran on nuclear issue. One should realize that if India has a soverign right to test then, other countries including US have a soverign right to react in an appropriate manner. "You cannot have the cake and eat it too".

In 1974 after Pokhran-I, Canada and US ceased nuclear tech exports to India and after 1998 Pokhran-II, tens of countries including US and Japan issued sanctions and trade embargoes on India.

If you want unbiased opinions, read statements by Dr. Srinivasan, PK Iyyengaar, Anil kakodar etc, all highly respected members of past and present nuclear establishment. If these people favour the deal then, we must also. And think do we need to test anymore at all????

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by Milind on Aug 19, 2007 11:14 PM   Permalink
I do not know why you think common man should decide the fate of nuclear deal? Are they more knowledgeable about it that the govt., scientific community & defence strategeists??

Also, US, Russia China England have not tested any nuclear devices for nearly 15 years now !!!
And this should have nothing to do with any political party. The nations interests are/should be the only criteria/concern.

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