Left's contention always has been the United States is an Inhuman corporate monopoly which rips the working class of its rightful share of profits. American capitalism has rigorously adopted many liberal idealogies , infact the americac liberal democrats has many things in common with the leftists all across the world. The liberal democrats has always stood for labour unions and has stead fastly opposed corporate influence in many political decisions. Republicans who are more preachers of the free market philosophy has consistenty tried to alleviate the complains of the working class so that they do not get too much influenced by the leftist ideologies . In fact these two opposing thoughts has done more good to the workers in US than political parties who are truly "marx-engels" followers.The latest proof is the attempt to revamp the insurance system here so that poor people would get better coverage . So it is really old work mentality to accuse US as a country of exploiters only.Infact no other country gives better oppotunity than US for labourers to start their own enterprices.Left should see the US policies and undestand what they do to keep their people relatively well off. The biggest positive things about america is it's democracy , and yes we too are a democracy. Two democracies has much in common and chances are conflicts are less because the decision making is done by a vast mass of minds and not just a single person.Let should start seeing U.S as a worker friendl