It is pity that communist sees problem with all developement activities. They are the people with regressive approach. Appeal to Kerala & West Bengal to throw them out in the election.
They have no ideology in practise for the welfare of the people. They are not bothered if 80% of WB remains backwards with no new industrial or agricultural develpoement.
Can any one tell me where does Kerala ( minus NRI Fund flow) & WB stand today in terms of revenue generated & emplyement opprtunity in their respective states after 60 years of ruling by CPM?.
RE:CPM / Ieft must be shown the door!!
by India Fan on Aug 19, 2007 10:35 PM Permalink
Good show them the door, this govt will collapse. If the present coalition has to survive they have no option, else try licking the boots of Mayawati, Jayalalith, Chandrababu, Akalis, and just about everyone to survive.
RE:CPM / Ieft must be shown the door!!
by cool guy on Aug 19, 2007 11:06 PM Permalink
They are the jokers of a drama body takes them seriously. thank god .. this time they are not protesting in the streets and roads..
RE:RE:CPM / Ieft must be shown the door!!
by bhumiputra on Aug 19, 2007 10:37 PM Permalink
123 act is not a development activity. Puppets of WESt can not though WB or Kerala govt. You are kid in telling facts. WB & Kerala Left are not in power for 60 years. Cong ruled those states for sevaral years. Cong sonia is looting the coutry. Now they want to sell the country through 123 pact. If we do not know facts better shut up.
RE:CPM / Ieft must be shown the door!!
by Manoj Mehta on Aug 19, 2007 10:44 PM Permalink
I never said 123 is a developement activity. Show me one good project with employement opprtunity for the people ( Be it a refinery, fertiliser, Hydro power, steel , agriculture, Pharma ) coming up in either of the state where LEFT is ruling now
RE:CPM / Ieft must be shown the door!!
by bhumiputra on Aug 19, 2007 11:24 PM Permalink
Industrialization which nehru has taken was a total failure. Indian economy is different. Today you want to work for a company for a salary. You get the salary, and company gets benifit. As long as you do not see the housing, drinking water, health, education for the poor which will not come by establishing industries, through automation the capacity employ more people has already decreased. Only thease polocies will help TATA at the cost of Vizag steel, Airtel at the cost of BSNL, Reddy labs at the cost of IDPL. we have humpty number of examples. 123 pact is near death to poor indians. The Indian rich will sure get benifited, because they are the tools of KFC, McDonald and wallmart economy.
RE:CPM / Ieft must be shown the door!!
by India Fan on Aug 19, 2007 10:51 PM Permalink
The left are now doing well, they have bagged Tata car project, They have IT software complex, they are planning a chemical complex. The kerala Tourism has beaten every other state and is now number one.
RE:CPM / Ieft must be shown the door!!
by Manoj Mehta on Aug 19, 2007 11:14 PM Permalink
You can't make the state run on one car project or one IT complex. Even a small state like Haryana & Chattisgarh has generated atleast 10 times more jobs than Kerala & WB.
RE:RE:CPM / Ieft must be shown the door!!
by bhumiputra on Aug 19, 2007 11:26 PM Permalink
did that jobs inturn give any housing, health, education to poor? question yourself?
RE:CPM / Ieft must be shown the door!!
by chinmoy chatterjee on Aug 19, 2007 10:49 PM Permalink
Those are supporting the deal shd say to cong first to put the clauses/conditions of the deal then only it wld be discussed and finalysed.
One more thing,-we need the same status of China only from USA in the world and nothing else.If China,US,Russia,France,England even Pakistan,Iran,N.Korea then why we shd not? If all of them leave nuclear test then we are also ready to leave it,otherwise not.
Those are supporting the deal blindly they are actually the blind supporters of Congress,nothing else.
Pls say if I am wrong(if rediff allows u to read my msg)