The Marxists are going to make profit by creating such a situation. They are deviated largly from the poor men's party to the beaurocrats'party. They are aiming only profit. It is a fact that in kerala the party owns crores of rupees, which we cant even imagine.
RE:RE:CPM India Pvt Ltd
by SubrahmanyeswaraRao Voleti on Aug 18, 2007 02:51 PM Permalink
You want to start a Public Limited company in kerala where you defeated by this Pvt Ltd. comapny ??? bulshit, if you have proof, come out.
RE:CPM India Pvt Ltd
by vinu manijose on Aug 18, 2007 03:16 PM Permalink
seriosly subru you need to get back to school. if you have proof give it...i dont really understand what proof he's asking. but these sort of arguments we used to do in school. grow up dude. fight on intellect.