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Left's ideology madness and policy blindness!
by Chakravarthy Muralidhar on Aug 18, 2007 07:35 PM   Permalink

The Left now resembles a trembling cat that had mistakenly cornered the rampaging bandicoot thinking it was a mouse!For,the Congress truly is a rampaging bandicoot having menaced this nation for nearly half a century.While it is time that this menace is eradicated lock stock and barrel,it is certainly a tall order for the self-centred, cunning cat, I mean the Left.While the CPM and CPI have expressed their opposition to the 123 Deal,they have not made a clear and crisp rejoinder of their objections to the Sonia-MMS govt.Their one-point rhetoric that they are opposed to any tie up with US in view of their ideology has no force behind it.At least if they had studied the Deal document and shot holes in it, it would have carried greater credibility than their bankrupt ideology of mindless opposition.They could have pointed out that building a dedicated reprocessing facility open fully to US would only help Amercans learn about our own advanced nuke R&D output,while the world's 5 existing reprocessing plants are top secret with no entry to IAEA or under any other country's surveillance.Besides, entering into IAEA's inspection regime is a permanent yoking of India's independent nuke establishment.Can't Indian scientists put their heads together to cut short the natural uranium processes by jump-starting the Fast Breeder tech for thorium cycle?Can't a series of FBRs be planned to convert all spent uranium and simultaneously start the thorium cycle using the reprocessed

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N-deal: CPI-M to reveal strategy