We had a great freedom fighter like Babu Rajendra prasad, a great scholar like Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, a revolutionary like VV Giri and a distinguished scientist like Dr, Kalam and many other respectable figures as our presidents and now we have Madame Pratibha Patil as our President
RE:Great presidents and this president
by Suresh G on Aug 16, 2007 05:13 PM Permalink
Did you have forget KR Narayan? OR you don't think he is great President, because he is dalit
RE:Great presidents and this president
by Gaurav Sharma on Aug 17, 2007 12:05 AM Permalink
Yes you are so right Suresh. The reason you pointed out for missing KRN sounds good..btw u must be a Dalit?
RE:RE:Great presidents and this president
by Venugopalan on Aug 16, 2007 05:19 PM Permalink
No way, he simply overlooked. Shri K.R.Narayan was one of the distinguished Presidents we had. There was no controversy during his period.
RE:Great presidents and this president
by THOMAS THOMAS on Aug 16, 2007 06:38 PM Permalink
Why The F...k u have this type of stuff in your head...like dalit SC ST... Go back to that old age man
RE:Great presidents and this president
by Suresh Ganti on Aug 16, 2007 06:29 PM Permalink
suresh already there are so many differences created by our great politicians to meet their selfish needs. i strongly advice you no to raise this kind of statements which might destroy the secularism further in our country. its easy to pass this kind of controversial comments but you cant stop the later effects.
RE:Great presidents and this president
by ranjith sharma on Aug 16, 2007 06:37 PM Permalink
His name itself speaks for him. He is of Type G. Hope you all understand :-)
RE:RE:Great presidents and this president
by nitin gupta on Aug 16, 2007 05:57 PM Permalink
You are sick Suresh G. he was just giving examples... Do you have to bring this up everytime??
RE:Great presidents and this president
by Amit on Aug 16, 2007 05:52 PM Permalink
Suresh g, we hav lot of distinguished Presidents, here only some names are given. plz don't take everythings in other way.