Sir: Let us not forget one very simple and basic fact. Benazir is the daughter of the Power Hungry Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Due to his greed and hunger fpr power, Pakistan was dismembered. He was solely responsible for escalating the tensions with India. He was a demagogue of the highest possible order.
Benazir is no less than her father. She is power hungry and also megalomaniac. She just cannot stay away from power for too long.
India should not harbour any hope that peace will be restored if Benazir comes to power. In my opinion, it better deal with Parvez than this woman. Benazir is a lot of hype and littel substance. She has been the P M of Pak before. What did she do for improving relations.
The Pakistan army and ISI will not allow Indo-Pak peace. They have a vested interest in continuing the status quo.