how can we believe in nawaz sharif that he is telling the truth?.......i solidly remember that DOORDARSHAN NEWS showing sharif as prime minister visited kargil frontline on pakistan side along with the then pakistani general musharaff in 1999 just 5 months before kargil war erupted......musharaff told that he briefed pakistani premier nawaz sharif about plans to invade kargil heights on indian side in that visit to kargil by prime minister nawaz sharif....what is the purpose of nawaz sharif visiting kargil frontline just months before kargil war erupted?....apparently he wants to check first hand about the preparation of invasion......
by Mat on Aug 02, 2007 08:36 PM Permalink
Nawaz Sharif is smart ,but Gen Musharaf is smarter and cunning. He orchesterated Kargil when Nawaz Sharif was PM. it was a win win situation for him. If he won the war,he and his army would get the credit. If he lost ,the public would see the PM as a weak person. As expected when he lost the war, sharif was kicked out and he became the president. Nowadays he is the front line fighter against terrorism in the eyes of the world. What a hipocrite! And we are taliking peace with him!!!
by imran patel on Aug 02, 2007 08:19 PM Permalink
Abhishek...Can you be more specific... I am an a proud Indian Muslim and I do not have to prove that to anyone.
by yogender malik on Aug 02, 2007 10:48 PM Permalink
Had we kicked you castrateds in 47, we would not having blasts in trains and in pighouses ( your mosques)
are you mentally challenged ?.what has sharifs comments to do with indian muslims ?.you seem to be suffering from severe paranoia. do you know where is your place is in society?
it shows the sickness of your are what you write, YOU ARE A DISEASE, A MALIGNANT are the scum of the earth, nothing good can ever come out of you