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What about an association Mr Sharif?
by krishnan js on Aug 02, 2007 07:56 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

If you are planning an association of POWERLESS TOP HEADS you could be assured of the first membership of Mr Manmohan Singh.What does "not all the details" mean?Hmmmm Clever Very clever..KASHMIR IS INDIAN TERRITORY.Is that clear?

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  RE:What about an association Mr Sharif?
by Mainbola on Aug 02, 2007 08:18 PM   Permalink
How do you exactly define power????Manomohan singh has the power of his academics, of his knowledge as an economist...He has the power to resign and leave if he cannot bring change to India because he is not a Power Hungry Career politician.....He is much better than your Vajpai's and Advanis who will spew hatred on Muslims and then call Jinnah their father if it brings them to power,,,,Even today at 80 yrs of Age Mr. Advani is hankering to be the next PM if the NDA wins,,,and that is because he is a full time power hungry politician, and that is why he will not hesitate to engineer riots on one hand or call Jinnah as the a modern secular leader on the other if it brings him to power...

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