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Sanjay Dutt's first day in jail
by MAYA SINGH on Aug 02, 2007 06:36 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

hi friends,

i feel pity for present day Sanjay Dutt. but punishment what he get not for present day Sanjay it is for that Sanjay who was drug addict keeping AK47 and hand grenades.

look the cases of Vikas Yadav , manu sharma in Jesica lal's case, BMW case,tandur case, salamaan khan's case, rahul mahajan's case of drug taking, all these cases reflects the attitude and mentality of sons of hihgly placed persons and they took the law as their kept.

i remember the dialogue of aamir khan's in sarfarosh that " main har mujrim ko kaanoon ke saamne nangaa dekhna chahta hun ".

today indian judiciary is doing good job ,the sentence of Sanjay is symbolic for law abiding people and to teach lesson to bad guys of high ups.

it has to be seen that people like Sanjay has been exposed before law , now when these bad politician will be exposed and made "nangaa before the kaanoon".

hope you people understand my point.

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  RE:Sanjay Dutt's first day in jail
by Somebody Somewhere on Aug 02, 2007 07:51 AM   Permalink
Stop watching so many movies. Go feel for those soldiers who die every day for you, just so that you can keep watching stupid movies day and night

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  RE:Sanjay Dutt's first day in jail
by Rahul kumar on Aug 02, 2007 09:11 AM   Permalink
Keep quite u fool..if u have so pity for soldiers...go become one ..its them..who has choosen to be a soldier, no body pushed them..

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Sanjay Dutt's first day in jail