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  RE:RE:Very harsh for Sanjay Dutt
by Pranjal Bhat on Aug 01, 2007 10:17 PM   Permalink
so then better make Dawood the Prime Minister .... we are also shocked at the justice but the bottom line is justice has been delivered and we should be happy for it. If he really wanted to protech his family then was going to anti national elements was the only option when you can always get the same from the legal way.

The bottom line is you have to pay for what you do and thats what sanjay dutt is doing. We pray that he comes out strong from this ordeal.

And no need to pray for hindus if you can make your muslim brothers understand what you mean then there will be peace everywhere. Sanjay Dutt is paying price for his association with the mullas.

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  RE:Very harsh for Sanjay Dutt
by M Kamal on Aug 01, 2007 10:59 PM   Permalink
When you are in trouble call the cops.... You will know.... I dont't say what he did was right... but then he is a victim of the failures of our own system... More than punishing him we need to reform our own system

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  RE:Very harsh for Sanjay Dutt
by Keyur Patel on Aug 02, 2007 09:58 AM   Permalink
we don't need to reform our law. What we need is to abide to it. You can not blame cops all the time. The cop you are calling is nobody else but one of us. You can't have connections with people who act against the interest of Hindustan and esp. conspire against Hindustan.

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  RE:Very harsh for Sanjay Dutt
by M Kamal on Aug 02, 2007 11:14 PM   Permalink
Buddy.... this is INDIA.... we all are INDIANS.... what do you mean by "One of us"... We really need to reform our system.... today or tomorrow we need to do it.... Every system has its own flaws.... We need to identify and rectify. when I reffered to the cops I didnt mean all of them.... but we cannot deny that the force has its own blacksheep.... But in a important area of policing we just cannot afford to have blacksheep. The price at times is too high to pay.... as in the same 93 blast case where... do I need to remind you...

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  RE:Very harsh for Sanjay Dutt
by Keyur Patel on Aug 02, 2007 10:01 AM   Permalink

You sound like you have lot of hatred in your heart. We are concerned about the interest of India over any religion.

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  RE:Very harsh for Sanjay Dutt
by Gan Van on Aug 01, 2007 08:08 PM   Permalink
You must be neither of Hindu Mulla & Talibani Muslim, So you are a good man uuuhhh?

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Sanjay Dutt's first day in jail