RE:Lets get our hero outta Jail!!!
by Navin on Aug 02, 2007 03:44 PM Permalink
Mr. Kamal, spare sanju baba is absolutely a wrong statement. He needs no justice, except capital punishment along with the other 99 offenders!
RE:RE:Lets get our hero outta Jail!!!
by Navin on Aug 02, 2007 03:45 PM Permalink
And if atall you have any comments with my earlier statment given above, then the total comes to 100,,, including u!!!
RE:Lets get our hero outta Jail!!!
by M Kamal on Aug 02, 2007 11:00 PM Permalink
Dear Navin: I am surprised at your strong sentiments.... Yes even I feel all the trouble makers in this country should be hanged, but then from day one i always felt Sanjay Dutt did something very stupid and very filmi... Everyone does mistakes..... You can kill people with guns.... at the same time you can kill people with drunk driving.... with driving without a licence..... by negligence.... We needed to probe his intensions..... If it was to create terror... Yes he should be hanged.... Was it to commit any crime.... if Yes he should be hanged..... What he did was plain dumb and stupid.... but did he actually harm anyone.... or did he try to use the weapons accquired... NO... Thats the only reason I feel that he should have been punished in a more constructive way.... something to do with betterment of society.... sort of a community service.... or something more meaningful....
And please remember that I too am as Indian as you are.... I too am concerned about whats happening around us.... worried too, because I follow the Universal religion that is humanity and my faith is the universal faith that is love... I only feel that everyone deserves a second chance as long as he has not done a mistake that has adversely affected the human race.