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poverty the main cause
by srinivas rao on Aug 01, 2007 03:56 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

i always believed poverty was the root cause for terrorism... if a person has his share of bread and butter he wont interfere much in these issues and loose it in the process... but tiger memon is an exception... the people who took part in it are poor and they think they are worthless and oppressed... going by the poverty among indian muslims it can be proved too... there were some hindu hawaldar kinda people whi let stuff into india for a petty sum of money.. ofcourse they didnt know it was RDX... they might have thought its the regular stuff like drugs or precious metals... but its good that they are sentenced.. it will surely reduce smuggling in india.. as for sanjay dutt... do not worry guys... if he develops the will power and avenging attitude in prison then he will emerge a successful politician after six years of sentence and rule mumbai... u know people are emotional fools in india

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  RE:poverty the main cause
by mandar chandrakant vaidya on Aug 01, 2007 05:30 PM   Permalink
kafil who was burnt in recent UK plot, was doctor, and not a poor person

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  RE:poverty the main cause
by riir on Aug 01, 2007 04:43 AM   Permalink
you fool Osama is a millionaire...many of the terrorists are well educated and rich. 9/11 hijackers used to drive sports cars...and dont forget the recent DOCTOR haneef :) poverty has nothing to do with terrorism...religion does

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