Nobody reasonable can possibly believe Sanjay Dutt is guilty worth 6 years in prison. He's already served a hellish time serving justice over the last 15 years, for the relatively small crime of possessing weapons, which were only for defensive reasons. He probably didn't even harm anybody, instead he himself was the threatened party and did the mos practical/justifiable thing. In any case, his good behavior has earned him abundant merit, to compensate any possible violation. Hopefully he will yet receive some form of mercy. Personally I think the current harsh sentence given to S.Dutt undermines our universal right and morale of self-defence. May God protect us.
RE:Sanjay Dutt
by Jaganath Bharat on Aug 01, 2007 03:25 AM Permalink
Yes I agree, even in national defence we sometimes buy weapons from otherwise questionable players, with a history of illegitimate actions. We import from nations that have openly violated international law in recent years, and take pride in this. One should weigh the extenuating circumstances in Dutt's case also to realize that his actions were far from malice and in fact righteous. Hopefully something positive can develop. It's regrettable to have to witness yet another miscarriage of justice, which I strongly believe we will perceive this Sanjay sage as ultimately.
RE:Sanjay Dutt
by rajesh bsr on Aug 01, 2007 06:53 AM Permalink
when a hand granede blasts between your legs, you will know who is innocent & who is not.