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Its Late but its There
by mansi sharma on Aug 01, 2007 02:34 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Nobody is there to think and talk abiut the people who lost there lives- being totally innocent- what ever they were- hindus, muslims, sikh or cristians whatever. We are just caring and talking about the culprits. What good and bad has happened to them.

The last thing that matters in this is the religion. Its crime done by humans against humans.

I hail the decisions of the hon'ble court. We are not the judges nor even the students of law of this land. If the law has taken its stand and convicted the people involved directly or indirectly in the murders of the unpopular and unguilty people, we should support the law. Atleast people have not gone scott free after such a treachorous act.
Thanks to the judiciary, atleast late enough but it's there.
I wish Tiger Menon and Dawood Ibrahim were also caught and sentenced.

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  RE:Its Late but its There
by aconcernedreader on Aug 01, 2007 04:35 AM   Permalink
I agree. Finally the families of those killed can feel that justice has been done. It still must be a hard time for them as they will remember the pain and agony of the day they lost their loved one. My prayers are with those families. May God give them strength and peace.

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1993 Mumbai blasts case verdicts