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Kill Tiger Memon
by Gavin Dunbar on Aug 01, 2007 08:18 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Why isnt the Law makeing efforts to extradicate Tiger Memon from Pakistan.Its a common fact that pakistan harbours all these islamic terrorists.Tiger Memon was the root cause of all this and he needs to be slaughtered like a pig in public view.Why are'nt these so called islamic preachers not issuing a fatwa aginst tiger memon for his crimes against humanity.
In my opinion complete justice will only be done if Tiger Memon is extradicated and sentenced to death and then slaughtered like a pig in public view.

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  RE:Kill Tiger Memon
by Bon Jovi on Aug 01, 2007 10:30 PM   Permalink
its a common fact that kashmir is a disputed territory and india has no right over it unless plebescite which india has signed in 1948!!! so y india calls it its integral part!!
Mor-on there are many common facts but u just count that support u!!!! Memon or dawood, but when modis and thackereys roam free!!!tigers and dawoods are out free coz UR govt doesnt want TO CATCH THEM,COZ IF DONE THEY WILL SPILL THE BEANS ABOUT MANY GRACEFUL POLITICIANS THAT U HAVE!so chill mar! ghusa na kar sanjay pakra gaya to!he had guns just like u was crying for fake passports for Bedi!!wo bach gye yeh sala pakra gaya!!!

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