by firefly on Apr 30, 2007 08:59 PM Permalink
Know we all know, the world knows bcoz of people like you...that what islam is teaching.
Thats why u people who lived earlier in the mountains were called Mlecchas...down trodden people...who speak and eat dirty.
It was ALLAHS biggest mistake that he thought of civilising some tribal dacoits....but can a dog learn to sing?NO? it can only if it follows GODS right path.
You people just followed the path of violence and will end the whole community in hatred.
Beleive my words as destined your community will end and vanish from earth just as cursed by GOD.
The five Pirs were cursed by SHIVA that if they dont preach the right things their race would vanish in a thousand years.
And i think the time has come when the master of Annihilation will open HIS third eye on you.
U people kill in the name of ALLAH...HE will punish u all HIS disbeleivers on the day of resurrection.
Though some good real musal(good)man(men) will live.