First of all it is yet to prove he is guilty as he was not allowed for a free trial.His hang will give birth to thousands more.what happened after when maqbool bhat was hanged. if u want peace hang all politicians. Regarding Islam,this is the only true religion. "lailaha illalah mohammadun(PBUH) rasoolalah" May allah show all u the right path.
RE:Afzal guro
by suresh singh on Apr 30, 2007 07:41 PM Permalink
how will he? whereas he is showing wrong path to his own people courtesy qu.... hahaha
RE:Afzal guro
by Ram Sharma on Apr 30, 2007 07:20 PM Permalink
afzal's guilt is proved. because most of indian politicians want to appease fundamental muslims, the matter of his hanging is getting delayed.
RE:Afzal guro
by on Apr 30, 2007 07:49 PM Permalink
go through the newspapers of kashmir,u will see hunrends of people killed in encounters custodies and then labled as foregin militants is totaly recently four one year old dead bodies from gandarbal grave yard were tested and they were found locals and this was done by some army and police personals just to get a promotion.What do you expect their younger brothers will become. indian goverment itselef is a big terrorist.we need to punish corrupt officers and politicians.we dont need to kill innocent people. i dont believe that afzal is proved guilty. it will be a big mistake to hang afzal. he should get justice and justice brings peace.
RE:Afzal guro
by firefly on Apr 30, 2007 10:24 PM Permalink
So now ur trying to spread hatred against indians through blogging.
SO if you think by releasing Afzal all his brothers wont become terrorists..can u go to JAIL on behalf of AFZAL...if in case he commits any mishap again?????
Answer u rat?
I know u wont...a person who is hiding his name can he come out in the open to fight?
im ashamed of your mentality.
I curse u whoever u are that u will live in the deepest chambers of hell for spreading violence in people. COz as in KORAN ur spreading evil publicly.
RE:RE:Afzal guro
by on Dec 19, 2007 03:23 AM Permalink
Hmmmmm!! If you think you are the only one smart As$ THEN I am sorry we can not help you. Get your Facts straight about Islam then come to me.Bro, I will not only make myself clear but clean the dirt you have on your Heart. And don`t forget your Raja Bhoj`s story may be you have read some fake version. I do not know who Raja Bhoj met in Sind COZE Muhammad(PBUH) never left Hijaz and now don`t tel me I need to tell youw hat is Hijaz okay. Let's just argue for better understanding se you soon i guess