Dear Rediff message writers, Please do not target the Muslims who are products of a particular culture , ideology and mindset nurtured by them but do target Islam. The very pernicious Islam is at best a dangerously expansionist and totalitarian ideology and at worst a 'theorisation of gangsterism'. Islam accords divine saction to the worst forms of crimes provided they are committed against non-muslims anywhere and everywhere. Islam originated in violence , flourished on violence and thrives on violence. It is totally devoid of any ethics , morality , spiritualism or even the basic spirit of accommodation.It is a threat to human civilisation and hence there should be a united ideological fight all over the world to end Islam like its political counterpart , totalitarian Marxism/ Leninism and Stalinism. This is the crying need of the hour.
by eclipse on Apr 30, 2007 05:28 PM Permalink
what does hinduism has to offer? hate for the lower caste ? killing of the dalits ? Islam doesnt call anyone as dalit. everyone is equal.
RE:Afzal and reactions
by Ram Sharma on Apr 30, 2007 06:47 PM Permalink
hinduism does not teach hating others. it does not teach hating lower caste or killing of dalits. it teaches 'vasudev kutumbakam'. islam does not treat all muslims equal. otherwise why shias and sunnis in pakistan throw bombs in masjids? they even treat muslims from bihar and up as inferior. i understand that khan etc are considered higher class muslims and they do not marry with lower caste muslims.
by Anuj Goyal on Apr 30, 2007 05:56 PM Permalink
like the indian who migrated to pakistan in 1947.... still called as "mujahidin".... what a equality DUDE....
RE:Afzal and reactions
by v a on Apr 30, 2007 06:13 PM Permalink
Then why u are fighting between urselves... Sunis and Shias... Why u r kiling ur bothers in Iraq...Its b/c of the division in ur religion...and also b/c U dont have brains...
RE:Afzal and reactions
by eclipse on Apr 30, 2007 05:26 PM Permalink
Indonesia has the worlds largest muslim population. Which army went there? Half of africa is muslim. which muslim army went there ? People understand the concept of equality. they dont see some propoganda websites to make their mind...
RE:Afzal and reactions
by firefly on Apr 30, 2007 11:01 PM Permalink
yes my dear no muslim army went there..but as soon as ISLAM spread there..violence spread there....balck magic increased.
RE:Afzal and reactions
by eclipse on Apr 30, 2007 05:13 PM Permalink
Mahabharata and Ramayana ... two wars made one book called Gita....and hundreds of castes called hindus...hahahahaha
RE:Afzal and reactions
by eclipse on Apr 30, 2007 05:21 PM Permalink
Well why are you guys getting pissed off....Its a fact that hindus are converting to other religions in hundreds everyday...thats the reason you have these anti-conversion laws...its a good sign for it will be merged with bigger and greater religions in the world.
RE:Afzal and reactions
by eclipse on Apr 30, 2007 05:16 PM Permalink
Unfortunately Islam keep growing...from Africa to 2025 Islam will over take Christanity as the worlds most populous religion...hahahaha
RE:Afzal and reactions
by smile on Apr 30, 2007 05:20 PM Permalink
kyun nahi..ofcourse it'l takeover..u guys are reproducing like pigs. And are trained in terrorism