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Tiger population
by Mak C on May 04, 2007 07:40 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Serious question for Belinda....
Do we recognise that population control needs to be addressed as a multi-pronged approach to the issue? If humans increase they will encroach and collective intelligence, organised or otherwise is going to fall short of recording any positive results. Ultimately mother nature, the great leveler, will need to step in, pessimistic as it may sound, mankind as it is from current world affairs and our own desi inputs are rearing to destroy themselves thru divisive issues. As Hitler helped in the past(and I am not a nazi supporter) I guess we will have to depend on the Qaida Inc. with active support from Bush/Blair Inc and our own desi culture squad to help mother nature get results. Dreamer...yes, I am in one of those moods, but the question on recognition of population as an important ingredient in the failure of preservation programmes is genuine and control of population needs to go hand in hand with measures taken for saving, but not essentially restricted to the tiger counts within our country.

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  RE:Tiger population
by ankita pandit on May 24, 2007 03:00 PM   Permalink
I think we should immediately take some serious action about the conservation of the tigers of India as it is a national animal.

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