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Protect National Mammals
by Bihari Lalu on May 02, 2007 01:49 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Lets protect National Mammals, principal among them, the "Human Being", particularly rural women, sick and needy children and old people. Animal protection can come later.

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  RE:RE:Protect National Mammals
by abhijit kulkarni on May 03, 2007 09:29 AM   Permalink
Bihari Lalu, you seem to forget that the country's population is more than a billion and there is no likelihood whatsoever for the homospaien to become extinct. Wild Life, along with the Tiger, is our national heritage and should have first priority. Humans have plundered Earth's resources too much, and driven many beautiful flora and fauna to extinction, because of their greed. Enough is enough. Population control of humans is needed so that other animals, who have an equal right to live, are given an opportunity to survive. Sick and needy children exist because we do not understand where to stop when it comes to reproducing our species. Human beings keep on reproducing without any sense of responsibility, as to how much pressure they are putting on Earth's limited resources. It is high time that young people like us realize what Sanjay Gandhi tried to do - control human population. Mrs Indira Gandhi strived so much and created this Project Tiger concept to save our national animal. But because of corrupt politicians, greedy businessmen, and unaware citizens like us, we are on the verge of losing our national heritage, our prized wild life.

Animals deserve much better treatment than what they are getting. Humans have misused the intelligence that God has given them so far - at least now, wake up! Otherwise it will be too late.

Well said, Sampath.

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