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Siachen: The lasting solution?
by avi on Apr 28, 2007 05:30 PM   Permalink

It is good to hear that ind-pak are moving forward to solve the crucial issue of Siachen. It will off course reduce the burden on economy as well as armed forces. But the question is. Will it will be a lasting solution?
Given the nature of indo-pak relation in past and the highly unstable political environment in Pakistan. There is no guarantee that if need be the Pakistan may make use of non-ability of Indian troupes in that region and may capture entire leh-aksi-chin-and upper Kashmir area.
So what will be the lasting solution.
There could be any number of solution but the best is like treaty on sindhu river water.
That is let there is third party, which should act as regulator, dont go to any country- instead use multi party fora like UE, WB, WTO etc. (UNO- i will not recommend as its wit are not enforceable, as we can see in many example).

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India, Pak to identify troop