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Who is faithful to whom
by VIPUL MATHUR on May 05, 2007 05:10 PM   Permalink

If J&K is an integral part of India as always said by the government why in that integral part people not belonging to J&K can work, live and purchase land etc. Let our government first integrate J&K with India in full only after this we can mix with the people there, can work for them, can build a fresh society there. What about people of J&K expelled or compelled to leave J&K by Muslim Terrorists, should Muslims living in rest of India be given same treatment.
Each and every muslim in India is not in favour of India or -read- favours Pakistan by heart. May be under social and political compulsions they speak pro India. But even people lile Rubiya Sayeed the one time CM of J&K ask for Mercy to Parliament attackers in lieu of mercy to POW in Pakistan. It implies that the cause due to which they are caught is worthy of mercy.
Army spending is J&K the state from where not a single ruppee is collected by the government (or say negligible), we are spending on troops, upkeep of society, running social and government schemes out of the money collected by the government through Income Tax and other Taxes of the people of rest of the country where they can not live. One can write about this to any extent.
On the other hand had Pakistan favoured independent Kashmir why it has failed to make it an independent Republic in all these years, the part under its control. Pakistan could have easily got support of practically all Muslim countries in the world, but due to hidden agenda to merge it in its union, they are raising hue and cry on a daily basis.
The people in Pakistan are leading miserable life but muslims of India do not understand this or they are just anti-establishment.
This is the real truth and realiy.
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