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Sardar Qayyum,.....
by Ramajayam S on Apr 27, 2007 04:27 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Mr. Sardar Qayyum doesn't know about the india power. Remember that time george fernan' said if pakistan uses nuclear bomb to india then pakistan going to removed from the world map,.............

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  RE:Sardar Qayyum,.....
by eclipse on Apr 27, 2007 04:38 PM   Permalink
I dont understand how foolish people can be. Please look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the effects of the nuclear war. A nuclear war between India and Pakistan will wipe off fifth of humanity, ancient cultures and will leave behind a small population just waiting to die of cancer and other deseases.

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  RE:Sardar Qayyum,.....
by jaxton on Apr 27, 2007 04:48 PM   Permalink
i would like to die but i don't want pakistan in the world map. do & die should do every indian otherwise can not be solve this problem. last 54 year our leader not able to solve this problem because of vote bank

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  RE:Sardar Qayyum,.....
by eclipse on Apr 27, 2007 04:52 PM   Permalink
What do you want to die for ? Kashmir? Do you really think it is worth it ? I dont even understand why we spend so much money to protect a population that refers to India as another country. As an Indian I am not even allowed to buy a house there? I think its just too stupid.

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by eclipse on Apr 27, 2007 04:55 PM   Permalink
I did not understand the vote bank logic. Can you explain. Because there has been 4 wars already. But there seems no military solution in sight. What solution do you propose? Please give a logical view. Not like "Nuke Each Other"

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Kargil could have turned nuclear