I just can't help feeling that readers who contribute to the Discussion Board write only emotionally and do not exercise their ability to be rational. Everytime there is a report on Indo-Pak or Kashmir or reservation or poverty or any other problem of India we find only emotional outbursts. When will we have healthy discussion? Are we just incapable of developing healthy discussion? How can abuse be the mode of discussion? Why should we give a job to the moderator and let him/her decide what can put on the board? It's really sickening.
RE:It's sickening
by aone on Apr 27, 2007 04:30 PM Permalink
ha ha LOL, ganesh still wants something dude, just look some messages above, u can see him :))))
RE:It's sickening
by dinesh tyagi on Apr 27, 2007 04:37 PM Permalink
My Dear sir, i want to tell you one thing that why Muslim see all thing in entire world through Muslim gogals why? are they Muslim first, human second ? why intellectual in Muslim society does not respond against this? i feel that redicalism is a PRIME FACTOR THAT IS DOMINATE MUSLIM WORLD.that is why we are enble to find out any solution of Paki occupied kashmir and Indian too. I FEEL THAT ONLY MUSLIM RELEGION IN THE WOLRD THAT DIVIDE HUMAN IN TWO KIND- 1) MUSLIM OR 2) NON MUSLIM- KAFIR. MY COUNTRY