Nuclear.......... my foot I think India and Pakistan are not just FOOLISH to blow off the Nuclear Bomb whenever they want. And where is the nuclear bomb ? No one knows.
India did not took the Kargil war on full scale. If that would be the case than one should have thaught about that.
Kashmir !! Problem will end only when India and Pak will have there Full-scale war.
RE:Ha Ha Ha Ha ................
by Manvendra Singh on Apr 27, 2007 05:01 PM Permalink
Exactly war is not the answer, India ans pakistan must unite again.
RE:Ha Ha Ha Ha ................
by Ravinder Virender Singh on Apr 27, 2007 05:02 PM Permalink
Kashmir will always be a problem if it resolves then both sides of the government will have no issues to go into election. Both the govt are fooling people of Pakistan and India. and the comments made by Rahul Gandhi is not at all going to solve the problem. He thinks it is their family who is holding India firm, but to tell him that India is a 100 billion population not a single Gandhi family.
RE:Ha Ha Ha Ha ................
by Vivek Dobhal on Apr 27, 2007 05:24 PM Permalink
War sometimes is necessary. How can you tell Pakistan to keep away its hands from Kashmir. My dear friend America is super power because its uses its power thats why its super. Talks are just for time pass and to show world community that they are seriously into something. Eventually there will be a Final Fight for Kashmir, that no one can stop.
RE:Ha Ha Ha Ha ................
by Vivek Dobhal on Apr 27, 2007 04:55 PM Permalink
We have to keep in mind that the economy of the state will make it survive.If India and pakistan today go for the war , it will come to end in an week. Pakistan economy is much weaker than ourselves. India economy will also get brakes no doubt. But PLEASE Dont say both will end.
RE:Ha Ha Ha Ha ................
by eclipse on Apr 27, 2007 04:59 PM Permalink
Do you know what a nuclear war means? The nuclear bombs available today are 500 times more powerful than the ones that were dropped in Japan. Just too much suffering for the people who dont have anything to do with the problem. I am surprised you see it in terms of "economy" and not in terms of the sufferings that humanity will face.
RE:Ha Ha Ha Ha ................
by santosh satpathy on Apr 27, 2007 05:10 PM Permalink
well,indian economy may be bigger than pakistan.But no economy even american economy can survive a nuclear war.If u believe pakistan capabilities ,how ever small they may be but they have handful of nukes who they will through at our metros.So if u live in metros ,it wd be ur worst(say last) nightmare,forget measuring economy after a nuclear aftermath.Sure pakistan wont exist after our retaliation, but i care more about our own peoples lives.So forget war,ppl of both nation should do everything to avoid even an accidental nuclear mishap.Trust me you dont want to see a nuke fumes in ur neighbourhood,even a small & crude one.