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Don't make Kashmir Hindu Muslim Issue
by G S on Apr 27, 2007 09:22 PM   Permalink

Kashmiris want to live with India and are fed up with terrorists. I have so many friends who says that India is far better than medival pakistan, with mullahs. Pakistan will take years to come to level of any prosperity , while India is leading in growth and will soon overcome it's troubles.
Pakistani leadership is grossly mistaken, trying to Bleed india with terrorist or trying to show eyes to India with the help of Chinese duplicate arms (Jf-17 thunder will be under).
Pakistan has suffered most with their wrong policy and whole world has branded them terrorist nation . Every terror has their stamp on it. They need to go to their house and protect their families first from terrorists rather than look for kashmiris who are part of a civilizes society i.e India. Why india b'coz still Hindu muslim and other co-religionist can live with peace.

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Kargil could have turned nuclear